Over the past three years Cadenza Boers has been supplying breeding Boer goats and semen to Nepal. For anyone who lives in Nepal or has visited there, it is obvious there are lots of local goats and many families breed small groups of goats for their own consumption or to provide income for the family.
The main aim of introducing the Boer goat genetics into the local goat gene pool, is to increase the potential to grow larger goats and to grow them more quickly. This gives many farmers the opportunity to improve their income without leaving home, or purchasing more stock. The Government of Nepal in conjunction with UNFAO planned a program to supply quality Boer genetics to regional farmer groups. This was supported by experienced livestock technicians, veterinarians, and advisers, and so now the program is well underway. Cadenza Boers was fortunate to supply the required genetics and to follow the program over this period. Recently the owner and director of Cadenza Boers, Carole Axton, traveled to Nepal and saw the goats and the program in action. Some of the story of the animals, the export process, and the destination points is written here. To obtain further information about exporting Breeding stock to Nepal, please either email: cadenzaboergoats@bigpond.com or phone +61 429661369 |
Exporting Boer goats to Nepal.Above is a picture of one of the high class Boer Bucks exported to Nepal for the breeding program there. Beautifully cared for by one of the experienced farmers in the district, he serves local does as they are bought to him by the local farmers. He lives a life of luxury and adds to the success of the breeding group. Really an outstanding buck. Under other circumstances he could be in the show ring!
The goats we select for export.Above is a picture of some of the young bucks at the Cadenza farm being prepared for export. It takes a lot of time and preparation to successfully export goats overseas, and this is specially so for Nepal. There is no direct freighter aircraft to Nepal, so goats are sent in small groups in passenger hold of one airline. It is a long air journey for the goats and Australian Government veterinarians are very particular about the Health and importing country requirements.
Arriving in Nepal.The goats travel in specially prepared crates for their air journey. There are set limited about how many animals and how heavy the animals can be for the area available. All goats must pass specified health tests as required by Nepal Livestock department. Goats are examined by Australian Government veterinarian just prior to export to be sure they are in good health to travel. All documents must be correct and all livestock exported from Australia must be managed by a registered Livestock export agent.