See below: This is the way we raise our bucks. They are paddock raised in quite large groups with minimal supplementary feeding. The best bucks rise to the top of the group without being pumped with hard feed.
The current semen collection season is over for the year. We have a limited range of semen available for domestic sales. If you want to purchase semen from the wide range of bucks available, for overseas orders, for domestic orders. Contact us with your enquiries and for more information. email: cadenzaboers@bigpond.com

First a few words about caring for your new buck.
This is one of Bart's sons that we are keeping for our breeding program. CA1FG0025 KOOS.
Strong and meaty, and a really nice "butt" Another photo below.
It is time to think about selecting your buck for breeding. We have lots of bucks for inspection, including other Bart sons. Please select your bucks early as you get first pick of the bucks, but from a husbandry point of view, give your buck time to settle in before you expect him to work. It is very stressful for any animal to change homes with strange people, dogs, smells, and noise. Be kind to your buck and give him a chance to do his best. Recommend you give your buck up to six weeks to settle. While he will probably work before this, don't just shove him into a paddock with a lot of madly cycling does as soon as you get home. He may not appreciated being "rushed" by a mob of anxious does.
Actually I think Bart's sons would appreciate it, but not all bucks do, and so you need to be considerate. Give your new buck time for a little honeymoon time with a couple of nice natured does before you let him loose with the mob. If he loses a lot of weight while serving lots of does, give him a couple of weeks time out with two or three does for companionship and feed him up before you let him "loose" with the mob again.
Bucks under 12 months are usually restricted to 15 to 25 does for their first season. Bucks over 12 months should not be expected to serve more than about 50 does a season unless high levels of supervision and nutrition are provided.
Keep a respectful distance from your working buck and don't bring your friends around to watch the action. Bucks are rarely aggressive to humans, however some bucks do not appreciate strangers and the noise while they are working and they may not serve the does while you are present.
This is one of Bart's sons that we are keeping for our breeding program. CA1FG0025 KOOS.
Strong and meaty, and a really nice "butt" Another photo below.
It is time to think about selecting your buck for breeding. We have lots of bucks for inspection, including other Bart sons. Please select your bucks early as you get first pick of the bucks, but from a husbandry point of view, give your buck time to settle in before you expect him to work. It is very stressful for any animal to change homes with strange people, dogs, smells, and noise. Be kind to your buck and give him a chance to do his best. Recommend you give your buck up to six weeks to settle. While he will probably work before this, don't just shove him into a paddock with a lot of madly cycling does as soon as you get home. He may not appreciated being "rushed" by a mob of anxious does.
Actually I think Bart's sons would appreciate it, but not all bucks do, and so you need to be considerate. Give your new buck time for a little honeymoon time with a couple of nice natured does before you let him loose with the mob. If he loses a lot of weight while serving lots of does, give him a couple of weeks time out with two or three does for companionship and feed him up before you let him "loose" with the mob again.
Bucks under 12 months are usually restricted to 15 to 25 does for their first season. Bucks over 12 months should not be expected to serve more than about 50 does a season unless high levels of supervision and nutrition are provided.
Keep a respectful distance from your working buck and don't bring your friends around to watch the action. Bucks are rarely aggressive to humans, however some bucks do not appreciate strangers and the noise while they are working and they may not serve the does while you are present.
Below is Cadenza Koos CA1FG0025 A son of Bart, out of a lovely show quality doe sired by McGregors Woodward. He is a major sire at the stud this year and we have collected semen from him for sale. SEMEN FOR SALE NOW. (Domestic sales only, semen for export by order)
Below is Cadenza Teddy CA1FE0094...a wonderful meaty buck sired by Tony out of one of our most beautiful and meaty does from the original Nico Botha bloodlines. He is our major sire this year and we are looking forward to his meaty and stylish kids. We have some semen available from Teddy for sale - domestic sales only for this season.

Bart is the biggest and most robust of all our bucks. He is sired by Meggs, out of a really lovely correct Terraweena doe from the Karbo Lawrence bloodline. Absolutely correct in legs and feet and a great sire of tough and hardy meat kids. His kids grow faster than any of the other bloodlines. SEMEN IS NOW AVAILABLE
Bart is the biggest and most robust of all our bucks. He is sired by Meggs, out of a really lovely correct Terraweena doe from the Karbo Lawrence bloodline. Absolutely correct in legs and feet and a great sire of tough and hardy meat kids. His kids grow faster than any of the other bloodlines. SEMEN IS NOW AVAILABLE
CADENZA HOSS. CAIFG0157 Hoss is a great example of the Amani Ozzy bloodline. Thick through the body and easy going temperament. Below is a picture of Hoss as a yearling. We have used him at stud this year for his broadness in chest and shoulder. We have semen available from Hoss. Small quantity available for domestic sales.

Cadenza Hoss CA1FG0157.
Fullblood buck showing style and meat.
Sire is Ozzy, Dam is a Tony daughter.
WE ALSO HAVE SEMEN AVAILABLE FROM CADENZA HANK CA1FH0101. Hank is a grandson of the Fonz out of a very meaty stud doe by Tony. He has wonderful bone and is a very correct strong buck with dark colour. We have used him here at Stud this year.
WE ALSO HAVE SEMEN AVAILABLE FROM HOOPER Ca1FH0122. Hooper is a great grandson of The Fonz with an unusual but very meaty dam line from the Mericol bloodlines. Domestic sales only for this season.
WE ALSO HAVE SEMEN IN STORAGE FROM OUR OLDER BUCKS INCLUDING, THE FONZ, ROCKY, MCGREGORS WOODWARD, MCGREGORS DEPP, AMANI NOEL, CADENZA BARNEY. Some of this is in single straws, and some is in three shot pellets. We also have a small number of pellets from the very famous buck Karbo Lawrence.
WE ALSO HAVE SEMEN AVAILABLE FROM HOOPER Ca1FH0122. Hooper is a great grandson of The Fonz with an unusual but very meaty dam line from the Mericol bloodlines. Domestic sales only for this season.
WE ALSO HAVE SEMEN IN STORAGE FROM OUR OLDER BUCKS INCLUDING, THE FONZ, ROCKY, MCGREGORS WOODWARD, MCGREGORS DEPP, AMANI NOEL, CADENZA BARNEY. Some of this is in single straws, and some is in three shot pellets. We also have a small number of pellets from the very famous buck Karbo Lawrence.
Please note, all the bucks raised at Cadenza are paddock raised with some modest supplementary feed. What you see is what you get. Here are the senior boys in their "working clothes" and not in show condition. When you are buying a buck, ask how it has been raised and fed. There is no point in buying a pumped up heavily hand fed buck, taking it home and dropping it in a paddock. It is unlikely to thrive and may not even join your does.
The Bucks- The Boys that made it happen. The old master "Ginger Meggs".

This is an interesting picture of the early foundation bucks at Cadenza. The buck in front is Ginger Meggs MG FW0084, showing immense strength, depth, and wonderful straight legs and massive bone. Two of his daughters were very successful in the show ring this year. CA1FF0004 was Reserve Junior doe at the BGBAA National Show, CA1FD0051 was Grand Champion doe at Melbourne Royal Show. Cadenza Bart CA1FF0006 was 4th at theNational show and first in his class at Melbourne show.
The buck immediately behind Meggs is a half brother to Meggs MG FX0202 and was used quite extensively at the Stud. The third buck is a Meggs son, also showing the extreme strength and bone of this line. A few of Meggs yearling sons are available for sale from the 2010 drop, as well as a number of his grandsons.
The buck immediately behind Meggs is a half brother to Meggs MG FX0202 and was used quite extensively at the Stud. The third buck is a Meggs son, also showing the extreme strength and bone of this line. A few of Meggs yearling sons are available for sale from the 2010 drop, as well as a number of his grandsons.

Cadenza The Fonz The Fonz CA1FD0097 is a beautifully bred son of Terraweena Burger (another champion at the Australian National Show). He has buckets of enoblement showing the characteristic soft eye, roman nose, and masculinity of the best bred goats. Terraweena Burger was an embryo that came from the famous Lucas Burger breeding lines, and The Fonz was an embryo (sired by Burger) in a recipient purchased from the Terraweena Stud. A beautifully natured buck who is very easy to handle. His yearling sons show his style and meat carrying capacity. The Fonz as the sire over Meggs daughters produce very correct, strong and enobled bucks.
Semen from "The Fonz" has been collected and is now available. An outstanding buck to add head enoblement, bone and style.
Semen from "The Fonz" has been collected and is now available. An outstanding buck to add head enoblement, bone and style.

Rocky HVI FD1306
Rocky is a son of Stone Cold (an Australian National Champion) purchased as a six month kid from Highveld Stud in NSW. Rocky adds to the breeding of the Cadenza stud because of his correctness in leg and in particular his length and immaculate backline. He has a lovely fine coat and as you can see a terrific "butt". He breeds true to type and is valued for his ability to complement the strength of the Cadenza does. A really nice natured buck that passes his temperament on to his kids.
A great buck to improve coat quality, body length, shoulders and back-line.
Rocky is a son of Stone Cold (an Australian National Champion) purchased as a six month kid from Highveld Stud in NSW. Rocky adds to the breeding of the Cadenza stud because of his correctness in leg and in particular his length and immaculate backline. He has a lovely fine coat and as you can see a terrific "butt". He breeds true to type and is valued for his ability to complement the strength of the Cadenza does. A really nice natured buck that passes his temperament on to his kids.
A great buck to improve coat quality, body length, shoulders and back-line.

Cadenza Bart. CA1FF0006
Cadenza Bart CA1FF0006
Bart is different. This combination of a Meggs son and a lovely Terraweena doe with a strong Karbo Lawrence background has produced an amazingly robust buck. Bart is a big buck at 2.5 years old, over 100 kgs in paddock conditions. Much bigger than any of the other bucks of his age. He is strong, robust and has that "I will survive at all costs" attitude. Bart's genetics are an absolute must have for the commercial breeder as his kids also have that survive-ability that commercial breeders are looking for. He is no pushover for the fancy show bucks either. He was placed 4th at Australia's National show as a young buck, and was first in his class at Royal Melbourne Show as a Yearling. Bart is a long buck with the most amazing legs and feet. Sound as a bell. Not as ennobled in the head as some bucks but he more than makes up for this with his correctness and strength. Just look at the depth of his shoulder. The first of his daughters from last year's drop are showing extraordinary strength of leg bone and are very robust and beautiful.
A new batch of Semen has just been collected from Bart and is available now.